CfP: Civilization, Decivilization, and International Relations – Current Trends

3rd ISA Forum of Sociology: “The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World” – 10–14 July 2016 – Vienna, Austria
RC 20 Comparative Sociology
Call for papers: Civilization, Decivilization, and International Relations – Current Trends
Session Organizer: Stephen VERTIGANS, Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom,

Global power figurations have been altered significantly since the end of the “Cold War”, the subsequent decline of America’s cultural, economic and political dominance, and the rise of nations like Brazil, China, India and resurgent Russia.  In this session papers are invited to explore the consequences upon local peoples and international relations. Topics that are anticipated to be discussed include the impact upon social consciousness within communities that are experiencing enhanced national profiles, the fragmentation of the Middle East and the rise of Islamic State, the repercussions of America’s decline within the United States, and what these changes mean for international relationships and in particular different forms of social identification, global security and human rights.

Please submit your abstract (300 words, in English or French) before
30 September 2015, online at:

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