New book: “Die Durchsetzung der Reformpolitik in China”

Kaven, Carsten: Die Durchsetzung der Reformpolitik in China. Analyse eines Ereignisses, Münster (LIT-Verlag), 2009, ISBN: 978-3-8258-1712-1, € 19,90

This book is inspired by Elias’ thinking although the title does not contain his name. Some of his concepts like “Machtbalance”, “Verflechtungszwang” and “Spannungsachsen” are used in the analysis. The study analyses a historical event from a historical-sociological perspective: the enforcement of reform policy in communist China in the mid/end of the 1970s. Thus, the aim is to judge about this issue: Should this event be interpreted as a result of deliberate policies of actors or is it rather the effect of long-term processes? To achieve this purpose, an analytical framework is applied that combines theoretical reflections as well as empirical research.

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