Call for Papers: Emotions and Power: Special Issue of the Journal of Political Power
Editors: Jonathan G. Heaney and Helena Flam
Power permeates all human relationships. It is constitutive of society, economy and politics. Its study has enriched scholarship and research within a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, political science, philosophy, and anthropology. It has been at the centre of social and political theory. By contrast, emotion, has traditionally had a more difficult time within these same disciplines. However, since the 1990’s there has been a widespread recognition of the fundamental role it plays in social life. Today, research that focuses on emotion is at the forefront of contemporary social science. Although both power and emotion are essential features of the conduct and constitution of social life, research on these two phenomena – whatever their conceptual guises – has tended to run in parallel, without explicitly engaging the other. It seems to us that the time is ripe for exploring the connections between these two fundaments of society. To this end we would like to invite submissions that address both, either empirically or theoretically. We are particularly interested in papers that seek to investigate the interrelated role that both power and emotions play in specific arenas or around specific topics. For example, papers that address emotions and power in organisations, in social movements, in politics, in media, in welfare and warfare, in families, in education and so on, are especially sought, though submissions are not limited to these fields of inquiry. Papers addressing emotions, power and gender are also particularly welcome. Initially, we are seeking long abstracts of two or so pages, outlining the overall approach and argument of the paper prior to full submission. A shortlist will be selected from these and individuals will be invited to then submit full papers for review.
Expressions of interest should be sent by 16 December 2011 to
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Alternatively if the author cannot submit electronically in the last instance please mail to: Jonathan Heaney, Department of Political Science and Sociology, Aras Moyola, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.