One Planet Institute

I am flying a kite for a new project – a residential institute running a suite of Environment-related Masters programmes. The idea is in time for this to provide the foundation for a wide-ranging research programme on human ecology from a broadly Eliasian standpoint. The project is slightly ‘leftfield’ in that it centres on a self-sufficient small holding with extra-curricula activities including field botany and bushcraft.If this sounds interesting I would be very grateful if you would have a look a the project website and pass on the link to any students, friends or colleagues who might be interested. I am aiming to get about 500 expressions of interest before developing a more narrowly focused business plan with which to approach the university. The website is not a blueprint but a vehicle for market research. I would also be interested to hear from anyone who would like to get involved.
Thanks and best wishes

Steve Quilley – Keele University,UK

NB here is some blurb:

Are you interested in the sustainability? How about human ecology or bushcraft? Perhaps you are pondering some of the big questions about human beings and planet earth? Do you want to do a Masters degree?

The One Planet Institute is a radical concept combining a suite of environment-related Masters courses with an innovative ‘residential programme’ organized around the operation of a self-sufficient smallholding. A variety of complementary activities will include foraging & bushcraft, music, woodland management, field botany, and natural history. Such visceral and collective engagement with the natural world will function to ‘educate the attention’ of students, animating formal academic study whilst promoting a self-sustaining culture of reflection and debate. Masters degrees will be offered in a range of overlapping subjects from Sustainable Development and Human Ecology to Bushcraft Studies.

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2 Responses to One Planet Institute

  1. thanks Godfried, Of course you are right but this is at a very early stage and I have to construct a viable market in the first instance, which means emphasis on the ecological dimension chiming with the politics of sustainability. The subsequent research programme will I hope move in the direction that you indicate.
    best wishes

  2. godfried van benthem van den bergh says:

    Good idea, but to limited. “One planet” requires also attention to problems of political organisation, migration, poverty etc. I have just finished a book on the necessity and possibilty of a nuclear world order from such a global (and Elaisian) perspective.

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