Two Full PhD Studentships at the Department of Sociology, University of Leicester

The Department of Sociology, University of Leicester has today announced two full studentships in Sociology. The studentships cover home/EU fees, but it would be possible for international students to apply (and to pay the difference between home and EU fees). The studentships also include an annual stipend of £13726, plus a research allowance of £750 per annum.

As subscribers to this blog will no doubt be aware, Leicester has a long-standing association with the work of Elias. An engagement with Elias’s work continues to this day, and the Department would particularly welcome applications from prospective PhD candidates who have an interest in exploring, applying, and extending the principles of process sociology. Please direct any informal queries to me at

The deadline for applications is tight, 31st October. The proposed start date is January 2014.

Further details and application forms are available on the University website, here:

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